Hello guys,

I’m extremely happy to announce that the waiting is over!!! My new book “Fretboard Concepts” is available for pre-order at Amazon! The book has all you need to raise your game and become a great guitar player: Scales, modes, chords, arpeggios, theory, harmony, tips and analysis for improvisation, along with exercises to test your knowledge!! The book is it’s complete beginners to very advanced players! You can grab your copy and check all the details about the book here: http://bit.ly/AmazonBooksYP

Also, I prepared a new cover for the second edition of my first book, “The Electric Guitar Technique Workout”. The content remains the same, so if you already have it, you’re good. If you don’t have it, you’re truly missing out on a book that can transform your technique and your playing. Make sure to check it out.

The official release date for the books is May 18th!

Thank you very much for your support guys, make sure to grab your copies and spread the word about this!

God bless,

© 2021 Yiannis Papadopoulos – Handcrafted by Digital Alchemy